Due to the recent flooding in Lismore some Hurford’s staff members have sustained extensive damage to their homes to the point where some are currently unliveable.
Hurford’s want to do their utmost to raise money to help support our fellow staff members, to assist in rebuilding their homes and their lives.
That’s why we are putting out the “Call For Donations” to our Suppliers and Customers for your support.
Any amount would be greatly appreciated. Hurford’s will match dollar for dollar on all money raised.
Bob Engwirda, Hurford’s CEO
To help Hurford’s staff members that have been affected by the floods, you can donate to the Hurford’s Flood Appeal by direct bank transfer.
The bank details are:
BSB: 082 522
Account: 88 110 9646
Reference: Your Company Name or Full Name
Hurford’s are accepting donations for the purpose of disaster recovery arising from the current Lismore flooding disaster. In making a donation, you acknowledge that Hurford’s retains full discretion as to how any and all donated funds are used, which may include distributing funds to other organisations or persons for those organisations to use and distribute as they determine. Hurford’s has no obligation to enforce any use of funds by a third party. Note: NOT TAX DEDUCTABLE DUE TO NOT BEING A REGISTERED CHARITY