EchoPanel® is a decorative panel substrate offering improved acoustic performance with a fabric like finish. It is a direct response to ecological sustainability and environmental quality requirements facing contemporary interior design and fit out.
EchoPanel® is a landmark product from Woven Image that demonstrates our commitment to environmental performance and sustainable interiors.
EchoPanel® reflects eco-innovation in the truest sense. It is highly recyclable and also features approximately 60% post consumer waste source from recycled PET bottles.
Not only is it certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia, EchoPanel® can also secure maximum credits as an ‘Eco Preferred Content’ material under the Green Star rating tool administered by the Green Building Council of Australia.
EchoPanel® has been under development in a number of product categories for many years. An effective application is as a replacement for textile covered tiles in workstation systems and as lighter, more flexible and highly recyclable wall panelling and partitioning system.
EchoPanel® is the outcome of longterm research and development, which commenced in 1997 between Woven Image and the Centre for Design at RMIT. Several opportunities for the productive use of PET and recycled PET in furnishing fabrics were identified and reviewed as part of RMIT’s EcoReDesignTM program. Additional development work by Woven Image resulted in the successful launch of EchoTM Screen fabric in 1999.
Dematerialisation represents the latest thinking in EcoDesign and the sustainable application of products, materials and services. It is also a concept that is in harmony with Product Stewardship and waste avoidance. EchoPanel® is centred on the concept of dematerialisation.
EchoPanel® is made from 100% PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) which contains up to 60% post consumer content. This is recyclable.
“Recycling is beneficial because it reduces the need to extract virgin raw materials, as well as the amount of energy and water used in manufacturing a product. According to a study by the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change, the benefits of recycling can be broadly grouped into three categories of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and conserving energy and water.” Source: NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change
“Recycling pet bottles saves 84% of the energy it takes to make PET bottles from raw materials.” Source: Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment.
There are no harmful effects in the colouration of EchoPanel®. The fibre is coloured while it is still a solution. All the dyes used stay in the solution and effectively become fibre so there is no waste. The source fibre used in EchoPanel® fulfils the requirements of existing European legislation regarding the use of Azo-dyes.
A workstation utilising EchoPanel® is much easier to disassemble and separate into the appropriate recycling streams, and therefore a significant environmental advantage compared to fabric-covered substrates which are often contaminated with adhesives and residual fabrics.
At present, a significant volume of end- of- life partitions, screens and workstations end up in landfill. This is primarily due to the difficulty of recycling reconstituted wood panel products covered with adhesives, fabrics and fasteners that are not compatible with recycling processes.
For every 1000 sheets of recycled content EchoPanel® manufactured, approximately 4.2 tonnes of postconsumer waste PET is diverted from landfill. This contributes to higher levels of materials efficiency as well as energy savings in producing EchoPanel® which leads to carbon reduction.

Dimensions: 2750mm x 1100mm x 12mm
Colours: Full EchoPanel® colour range
Dimensions: 2750mm x 1100mm x 12mm
Colours: Full EchoPanel® colour range
Dimensions: 2750mm x 1100mm x 12mm
Colours: Full EchoPanel® colour range